Este espaço é para divulgar meu trabalho em cerâmica e registrar atividades por mim desenvolvidas como professor de cerâmica.
É o meu olhar percorrendo o dia a dia sem muito critério. Trazendo também, lembranças de velhas fotografias resgatadas de gavetas que só eu sei onde estão.
Mostrarei a cerâmica de minha produção e de várias culturas passadas e presentes.
terça-feira, 17 de março de 2015
Cerâmica : esmaltes e desenhos no centro com lápis cerâmico .
Users are still months away from being able to take advantage of higher frame rates for their own videos, but we did get a sneak preview of three HFR videos: a three minute clip of 60fps Titanfall gameplay, a 48fps trailer for season two of Video Game High School, and the 60fps Battlefield Hardline trailer embedded below (60fps playback is only available at 720p and 1080p).Infamously, The Hobbit movies were shot at 48fps — twice the frame rate of most movies. RS3 Gold
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Users are still months away from being able to take advantage of higher frame rates for their own videos, but we did get a sneak preview of three HFR videos: a three minute clip of 60fps Titanfall gameplay, a 48fps trailer for season two of Video Game High School, and the 60fps Battlefield Hardline trailer embedded below (60fps playback is only available at 720p and 1080p).Infamously, The Hobbit movies were shot at 48fps — twice the frame rate of most movies.
RS3 Gold
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